Subtitle and Dubbing learning

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We write about AI, Dubbing, Video Editing, Social Video and many other things.

E-learning Translation: a Starter Guide

You want to know how to translate online training courses ? Here's everything you need to know.
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SRT files: how to create them manually or automatically

You don't know what an SRT file is, or you want to generate them fast enough ? Here's a full guide to save you time
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Subtitle formats: what are they and which ones to use?

You don't know which subtitle formats to use and how to use them ? We show you the way among the numerous possibilities
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WebVTT subtitle file : everything you need to know

You heard about WebVtt one of the most modern subtitle format ? We'll explain to you how to use and optimize it
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Video Editing

The Extended Guide to Burn In Subtitles

You want to hardcode your subtitles into your video ? Here's all the solutions that can help you with that
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How to dub a video in another language for free ?

Let's see what is dubbing, and how you can do it in another language with AI Dubbing!
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Closed Captions and Open Captions : What's the Difference ?

You want to know what are closed captions and open captions, and which are best ? Here's your guide.
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Subtitles vs Closed Captions: What's the Difference ?

You want to choose between subtitles vs closed captions? And you don't know which one is which? Here's your guide.
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Best Subtitles Fonts: Top 16 of the Most Readable and Engaging

Best Subtitles Fonts: Top 16 of the Most Readable and Engaging
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