How to easily add subtitles to your interview videos?

May 9, 2022

You have made an inspiring customer or employee interview, or conducted a market research interview? Then you know how important it is to make your videos accessible to all types of audiences.

By adding subtitles, for example, you ensure the visual impact of these interviews on your audience. You can also translate them into other languages.

But how can you do the work without wasting too much time (and thus focus on more essential tasks)? Here we show you one way.

Why add subtitles to your interviews?

Interviews are a very interesting format to gather different insights about your employees or customers, and to share a human experience with your audience. For example, customers can easily be inspired by authentic testimonials, to understand the value you bring to them. Future employees can also identify themselves with the interviewees and so be eager to join your company. Interviews are also a practical tool for conducting qualitative market research, or for conducting an academic study interview.

Adding subtitles to these videos makes them eminently more human, and allows you to reach a larger audience. You can expect many benefits from subtitles, such as :

  • Subtitles improve the viewing and engagement rate of your videos, with greater visual impact.
  • You share your interview with a diversity of languages and nationalities around the world.
  • Your viewers are more likely to interact with your discussions, directly reacting to what the interviewees are saying.
  • You allow people who are deaf or hard of hearing to understand your content.
  • You improve the SEO of your pages including these interviews.

Would you like to do that? We give you the method to get started.

Subtitle interview: the different solutions

Whatever the video platform or social media you use (YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Vimeo, Wistia…), there is usually only one way to make your subtitles: create a subtitle file (SRT, VTT) and integrate it into the video. But there are several ways to achieve this :

  • Creating your transcription file manually and adapt it to the SRT format. However, we warn you, this is a tedious and complicated job, especially if you have a large volume.
  • Using an automatic subtitle generator. Thanks to voice recognition technology, you'll save time and automate much of your work.
  • Hiring subtitle experts. If you have a large volume of video, this is the trusted solution to take charge of your project.

Here we present our professional solution Checksub, which combines automatic technology and professional expertise. Maybe it can help you!

How to use an automatic subtitle generator for your interviews?

Now that speech-to-text technologies are common place, you can find a lot of automatic subtitle solutions on the market. By supporting transcription, audio/video synchronization and even foreign language translation, they provide fast, high-quality results. Among them, our solution is particularly well suited for captioning interviews. It helps you to :

  • Automatically and accurately transcribe your videos (advanced speech recognition API)
  • Collaborate with professional subtitlers and translators to manage your video project.
  • Translate your video into more than 128 languages (translation based on in-depth learning)
  • Easily modify and customize the appearance of your subtitles

Here is the step-by-step method to use it :

1# Upload your video on the interface

checksub interface

To get started, login to the Checksub platform. By logging in, you will have direct access to the platform to upload your video. Select your content and indicate its original language. You can also choose between several languages to make a translation if necessary.

To try the platform, you have one hour free. If this is not enough, you can buy credits at a low price.

The API will then perform the speech recognition and provide you with the result in a few minutes.

2# Check and optimize the result

When the result is ready, you can click on the language of your video and access the dedicated subtitle editor to check and optimize the synchronization.

3# Export your SRT or VTT file

export subtitles in Checksub

When you are satisfied with the result, you can then directly retrieve the subtitles of your video. Just press "Export" and then "SRT" or "VTT" to download the file. You can then broadcast this file on all your video platforms.

You can also upload your video with integrated subtitles to export it everywhere effortlessly with the "Export Video" option.

Requesting a professional subtitle service

As you can see, creating subtitles is still quite complex. This is even more true if you have a large volume of interviews that are difficult to transcribe (ambient noise).

Fortunately, there are also professional services that can take care of your video interview projects. With the help of proven human expertise, they will deliver your projects in a short period of time and with high quality. For example, our subtitling experts are at your service!

Interview transcripts: the benefits to gain from them

Another interesting tool are video transcripts, which give a visual support for your audience to follow the conversation. But there are other benefits to expect from them :

  • You provide a visual support that your listeners can rely on if they don't have time to see your video.
  • You can reuse the transcript to make a blog post or email it to others.
  • Furthermore, you considerably improve your page ranking by including transcription and video.

Again, it is quite difficult to do the transcription work yourself. Fortunately, there are many online transcription software on the market that will do it just as well. Checksub can take care of it, for example, using the same method as explained above.

We'll let you try everything out. Otherwise, we hope we've helped you spread some inspiring messages!

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